Rates and Billing

  • Dr. Hruska is an out of network provider. If you have a health insurance policy, it will usually provide some coverage for mental health treatment and may reimburse 50-100% of the therapy and intake fees. We will assist you in filing for reimbursement from your provider if you choose, either by submitting on your behalf for you to receive reimbursement, or providing you with documentation ("superbill" with the necessary details diagnostic code, diagnosis, dates of appointments, fees) to submit on your own. This tends to work well for many patients, while also allowing us to provide a high standard of care that is unencumbered by complex insurance paperwork which could drive up the cost of each session.

  • Payments are accepted by credit card, Venmo, or Paypal.

  • Intake: $235

    Psychotherapy sessions: $180

    Groups: rates vary by group length but in general, groups are a more economical choice for treatment compared to individual sessions.

    I recognize that cost can be a barrier to seeking treatment, and as a result, I offer a sliding scale fee structure. This will be discussed, along with other factors of “fitness” for working together, during consultation (prior to scheduling an intake).

    Workshops: Rates vary with the length and nature of each workshop. Psychological assessment: Rates vary with the length of time involved in interview and feedback sessions, test administration, scoring and interpretation, report writing, and cost of psychological tests used.